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The drink of emperors
and centenarians

The benefits of tea were known in ancient China, but scientists learned to extract 100% of еру useful elements from tea leaves only in the 20th century, bringing to life the technology for obtaining green tea extract. Today, the extract is used in cosmetology, pharmacology, dietology.
Green tea is obtained from the leaves of the Chinese tea camellia. Both black and white tea are obtained from the same leaves, the only difference lies in the way the leaves are processed after harvesting. Green tea practically does not undergo enzymatic oxidation.
An accidental discovery
According to one of the many legends, the beneficial properties of green tea were discovered by the Chinese emperor (who ruled back in the 3rd millennium BC) Shennong, when tea tree leaves flew into his mug of hot water, after which the water acquired healing properties. The resulting infusion surprised the ruler so much with its fresh and light taste, bright aroma and invigorating effect that such a drink was ordered to be served to him daily. That’s how huge tea plantations came to be and, in fact, tea culture itself. Over time, it moved from the imperial house to the huts to the common people, then spread to other Asian countries, and gradually reached Europe.
Where wisdom
The tea bush was first cultivated in China, which is where it traveled to Japan from. In 1824, the Dutch began to cultivate tea in Java, and in 1834 the British began to cultivate tea in the Himalayas. At present, the main tea cultures are concentrated in China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Africa (Kenya and Natal), and South America.
Green tea is obtained from the leaves of the Chinese tea camellia. Both black and white tea are obtained from the same leaves, the only difference lies in the way the leaves are processed after harvesting. Green tea practically does not undergo enzymatic oxidation.
The secret of
In 2006, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a study that confirmed the link between drinking green tea and increasing life expectancy.

The beneficial effect is explained by the high content of polyphenols, which are powerful natural antioxidants. The composition of green tea includes a special kind of this substance - catechins. They bind and remove free radicals that damage cells and provoke disease and aging of the body, thereby curbing inflammatory processes.
Green tea’s biologically active substances support lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, collagen synthesis and connective tissue function, help to increase tone during physical and mental fatigue, strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, increase their elasticity, and also show antioxidant activity, protecting the cells of our body from the negative effects of free radicals.
In addition, it contains a lot of magnesium, manganese and sodium.100 g of the product contains about 24 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fat and 57.5 g of proteins, which include 18 amino acids, including essential ones.